Canon Miraisha and AWP Storytelling Workshop with Sarah Waiswa and Gulshan Khan

There are many ways to tell a story. This workshop is designed to challenge and refine your storytelling and conceptualisation skills. 

Through these series of workshop, we aim to deliver a class that will help you to develop your unique visual language and strengthen practical conceptual know how to build better stories and consider varied approaches.

Through class discussions and reviews, we will help you examine and develop your visual approach, by reviewing a portfolio or project you have previously created. 

There will also be an opportunity to create a photo story within Nairobi/ Johannesburg (depending on where you are based) supported by editing and sequencing exercises designed to gain a new perspective on your work.

Submission and Selection Criteria:

  1. This workshop is free of charge, and is designed for early career women photographers between the age of 18-30 years of age, making a living or trying to make a living from photography.

  2. It is open to photographers based in Nairobi or Johannesburg

  3. The workshop will take place between November 2 to November 6, 2021.

How to Apply?

To apply, please send the following documents/details to by September 27, 2021:

  1. Application letter which includes the following information about yourself

First Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
About yourself
IG Handle
Website Link (if you have one)

2. Attach your photography portfolio.